This is a Hi Macs sink that was somehow damaged. Can you tell. I am curious as to how this got to be so severely damaged but nobody offered any explanation and I didn't pry. It definitely needs to be replaced though. And since they didn't want to have the issue again, they decided to go with a retro fit stainless steel sink as a replacement.
Well here it is. After a few hours of getting the Hi Macs sink out of there and then re cutting the sink cutout to fit the retrofitted stainless steel sink, now it is finished.
The only thing left now is to do the plumbing and since this is a retro fit sink replacement and the drain lines will have to be altered, I had the homowner to use their favorite plumber to do the plumbing re work. He will be in in the morning and everything will be back to normal.
Retrofit Hi Macs Sink Replacement. Durham, North Carolina. Done by Complete Solid Surface Refinishing in Beautiful North Carolina!
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